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Chengdu Dongsheng Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Kirim pertanyaan
Kunjungi toko
Sangat puas19 ulasan
  • ≤1h
    Rata-rata waktu respons
  • 100.0%
    Tingkat pengiriman tepat waktu
  • -
    {0} pesanan
Custom minor
Custom desain
Pelacakan identitas bahan baku
Pemeriksaan Produk Jadi
ISO 9001
Lihat semua kapasitas terverifikasi ({capacitiesNum})


Profil Perusahaan
Unduh laporan
by SGS Group
Tanggal pendaftaran perusahaan2004-10-11
Luas lantai(㎡)6667
Bahasa yang diterimaEnglish
Tahun mengekspor1
Tahun di industri21
ISO 9001MANAGEMENT02624Q31136R1...
Kemampuan produksi
Lini produksi4
Total output tahunan (unit)239600
Mesin produksi31
Kontrol kualitas
Dukungan Produk ketertelusuran bahan bakuYes
Metode pemeriksaan produkInspection of all products
Kontrol kualitas dilakukan di semua lini produksiYes
Pemeriksa QA/QC1
Latar belakang perdagangan
Pasar utamaDomestic Market(80%), Southern Europe(8%), North America(5%)
Mitra rantai pasokan18
Jenis klien utamaRetailer, Engineer, Wholesaler, Brand business, For private use, Manufacturer
Kemampuan R&D
Opsi kustomisasicustomized on demand, sample processing, graphic processing
Produk baru yang diluncurkan pada tahun lalu100
Staf teknis R&D2
Tingkat pendidikan staf teknis R&D2 juniorCollege
Ulasan Perusahaan (19)
5.0 /5
Sangat puas
  • Supplier Layanan
  • Pengiriman tepat waktu
  • Kualitas Produk
Delivery: Very fast delivery.  As told before by the amazing Koko.  Quality: They look great and work very good.  Design: Amazing design and colors, including our own logo which is lasered in the swivel.  Service: Very good and fast response by Koko.  She helped me a lot with my choice and corresponded very well about the logo and the delivery!  Amazing to buy this product.
    I have to praise this CNC processing service on Alibaba International Station! The price-performance ratio is very high. For the same processing precision, other companies offer much higher quotes than here. Not only is the price affordable, the processing speed is fast, and the delivery is on time, but also the ultra-high quality is guaranteed, which fully meets the design requirements. The customer service is professional and patient during the communication, and they can respond quickly to any needs. If you have CNC processing needs, don't hesitate, choose this company, it will definitely help you save worry and money!
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